- Moving into the new homestead -- We really do love our house. As with anything, it is a constant work in progress. We have a complete upstairs, a mostly incomplete downstairs, and a backyard that until a couple of weeks ago, was mostly weeds. The biggest issue we have faced is a broken sewer pipe on the outside of the house. Cost estimates to repair it have ranged from $2,000 to $12,000. Obviously the quality of work is much different between those extremes. We are working to save money towards this as well as researching other possible options. The other issue we have faced is no air conditioning. As the summer heat has invaded we have certainly enjoyed the cool air on our front porch. (we are even contemplating finding a projector so that we can watch movies on the porch.
- We are both working at our jobs and in the church. I was just added as a member of the Boy Scout Committee in our ward. in a lot of ways, working with the scouts has reminded me of some wonderful childhood memories. The Mrs. spent a week at Girls Camp this summer, and really enjoys working with the Young Women.
- The Mrs. keeps me well fed, and is even contemplating using the blog to write about her cookie experiment, cooking through one of her cookie cookbooks a la the movie Julie & Julia.
- I have started some new medicine that has me feeling better than I have in eons. Even my coworkers who haven't known me very long have commented on how much better I seem to be!
I don't know if you counted me as a reader.....count me :)